Could someone tell me how to parse a XML-String that i receive from a wcf-rest service?
my webserive XML-String looks like
...many other pages...
an my phone sourcecode:
public void DownloadCompleted(Object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
if (!e.Cancelled && e.Error == null)
var answer = XElement.Parse(e.Result).Descendants("WS"); // null
if i try to parse it through XDocument.Load(e.Result) then i get the exception: File not Found.
i just want the "unique" information of the Info-Node and a list of all Page-Nodes with their values
Update Even if i try to load the Root-Element via var item = xdoc.Root.Descendants(); item will be assigned to the whole xml-file.
Update 2 it seems the problem occurs with the namespaces in the root-element. with namespaces xdocument will parse the webservice output not correctly. if i delete the namespaces it works fine. could someone explain me this issue? and is there a handy solution for deleting all namespaces?
update 3 A Handy way for removing namespaces1
With really simple XML if you know the format wont change, you might be interested in using XPath:
var xdoc = XDocument.Parse(e.Result);
var name = xdoc.XPathSelectElement("/WS/Info/Name");
but for the multiple pages, maybe some linq to xml
var xdoc = XDocument.Parse(xml);
var pages = xdoc.Descendants("Pages").Single();
var PagesList = pages.Elements().Select(x => new Page((string)x.Element("Name"), (string)x.Element("Description"))).ToList();
Where Page is a simple class:
public class Page
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Descrip { get; set; }
public Page(string name, string descrip)
Name = name;
Descrip = descrip;
Let me know if you need more explanation.
Also to select the Info without XPath:
var info = xdoc.Descendants("Info").Single();
var InfoName = info.Element("Name").Value;
var InfoDescrip = info.Element("Description").Value;