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JQuery: Show a hidden div at mouse position when a link is clicked

Suppose I have 2 links in my page and I want a hidden div to appear at the position the mouse is located (mouse x,y) at on the page when either of links is clicked. Also, I'd like to pass in a value to set the title for the div (see divTitle id).

How can I accomplish this using jQuery?

Hidden Div:

<div class="boxFAQ" id="questionMarkId">
  <span id="divTitle"></span>  


  • The below code will give you idea about showing the div. Proceed with your requirements and then hide it accordingly or display message as you need

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        $('#questionMarkId').css({'top':e.pageY-50,'left':e.pageX, 'position':'absolute', 'border':'1px solid black', 'padding':'5px'});
    <div class="boxFAQ" id="questionMarkId" style="display: none;">
      <span id="divTitle"></span>  
      SHOW ME!
    <br /><br /><br /><br />
    <a href="#" class="alink">Link 1</a>
    <a href="#" class="alink">Link 2</a>

    create a function which will be invoked on clicking of the link. To this function pass your message (any number of parameter)
    So your link will look like this

    <a href="#" class="alink" onclick="showTitle('This is the title')">Link 1</a>
    <a href="#" class="alink" onclick="showTitle('This is another title')">Link 2</a>

    Function will look like this

    function showTitle(message)
        $('#questionMarkId').css({'top':e.pageY-50,'left':e.pageX, 'position':'absolute', 'border':'1px solid black', 'padding':'5px'});

    Functions with event parameter

    function showTitle(message, evt)
       var e = e || evt || window.event;
       // ... rest of the code