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How to make Rubymine working with minitest framework

Can't configure Rubymine to work with minitest normally. All the time it throws me exceptions

Unable to attach test reporter to test framework or test framework quit unexpectedly

Also, I can't run test by one (only all test running working), because in that case context do not load and all my classes goes to be undetermined constants (NameError: uninitialized constant <MyVariableType>).

I'm currently working with RubyMine 5 via Windows 7. (Ruby 1.9.3).

If someone know how to configure it properly i'll be very appreciate for your help.


  • Ok, great! I finally solve all my problems and now my rubymine working with minitest.

    The short instruction:

    1. Read this manual and do all the stuff step by step very careful

    2. If it helps then say 'Yohuu!!!' and dancing victorious jig, if it still not working correctly goes to step 3

    3. Add 'test-unit' gem to your gem file and update it with bundler.

    4. When creating test do not forget to add require 'test_helper' add the top of the file.

    IMPORTANT: your test method names should start with 'test_' pattern, like test_my_supercool_method

    UPD 1: If you use Ruby 2.0, you don't need to use win32Console gem on Windows platform, even if jetbrains doc say that you should.