Schema :
SubscriberId NewsletterIdCsv
------------ ---------------
1 48,51,94
2 43,22
3 33,11
4 90,61
I Need to get the count for each rows NewsletterIdCsv and then add all of them up to get a total count of all rows, for the basic row count I am doing the following:
SELECT newsletteridcsv, len(newsletteridcsv) - len(replace(newsletteridcsv, ',', '')) +1 IndividualCount
This Gives me the Result :
NewsletterIdCsv IndividualCount
------------ ---------------
48,51,94 3
43,22 2
33,11 2
90,61 2
How do I get the total count (In this example 9)?
Note : This table has 5 Million records and I do not think using a temp table to Insert count and then finally going through the temp table rows to accumulate the count is an optimized way? Also I am totally against using cursors for efficiency issues !
What's the best way to get the total count ?
You can use SUM
to add them together:
SELECT SUM(len(newsletteridcsv) - len(replace(newsletteridcsv, ',', '')) +1)
AS TotalCount
Since you're just asking for the total count, you don't even need to GROUP BY