I am working on a bigger project, which part is to create software for Motorola MC9596 scanner, but I am stuck with datatransmission trough GPRS mobile connection using FTP server.
For this purpose I am using OpenNETCF.
The problem is that I cannot dial connection with entry I created. That means there are 2 entries in device's phonebook, test1 - generated by device, when I configured connection on device manually and test2, which was created programatically using:
private const string CONNAME = "test2";
private const string PHONENR = "~GPRS!xxx.xxx-xxxxxxxx.eu";
private const string USER = "xx";
private const string PWD = "xx";
private const string DEVICE_TYPE = "modem";
private const string DEVICE_NAME = "Cellular Line";
private void createConnectionEntry()
RasEntry rasEnt = new RasEntry()
CountryCode = 0,
AreaCode = "",
PhoneNumber = PHONENR,
DeviceName = DEVICE_NAME,
DeviceType = DEVICE_TYPE,
IPAddress = "",
IPAddressDns = ""
/*rasEnt.Options |= (int)ConnectionOptions.UseCountryAndAreaCodes;
rasEnt.Options |= (int)ConnectionOptions.UseLogonCredentials;*/
rasEnt.Options = 4194304;
RasDialParams dialParams = new RasDialParams()
UserName = USER,
Password = PWD,
cEntry = Ras.CreateEntry(rasEnt, dialParams);
Note "rasEnt.Options = 4194304", what was hardcoded, to have exact copy of settings generated by device by configuring connection manually. Strange is, that if I compare 2 entries in debug mode, both are equal - that means all properties are equal, the only difference is Name. I am sure about this, used also reflection, to compare objects.
I dial connection with:
RasError re = cEntry.Dial(false, new RasDialParams(CONNAME, USER, PWD));
In case Test1 I get "success", in case of Test2 "unknown" error.
Could you please help me with that nasty problem?
For now I ended with adding necessary registry entries manually - just checked difference in registry before and after creating connection. Not a clean solution, but did not find other one. It seems to be working stable, I can dial connection created this way. I will see, if it is OK in productive phase.