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Verifying the Tokens (WSE method) in WCF

My current method to verify the username and password (Tokens) in WSE is as follows:

public override void VerifyToken(SecurityToken token1)
    if (token1 is UsernameToken)
        string u1 = (token1 as UsernameToken).Username;
        string p1 = (token1 as UsernameToken).Password;

        // see if this user is already authenticated
        UsernameToken token2 = TokenCache[u1] as UsernameToken;
        if ((token2 != null) && token2.IsCurrent && (token2.Password == p1))
            // less than 30s?
            if ((DateTime.Now - token2.Created) < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30))
                // no - remove from cache

        // not cached, so actually check
        // NB Two or more requests for same user at about same time may all fail test above
        // and thus all will call ValidateUser.  But then they will all call CacheSecurityToken below,
        // which is OK - the last one wins.
        if (Membership.ValidateUser(u1, p1))

        // not authenticated
        throw new Exception("Authentication failed for " + u1);

Any idea how can I make changes in WCF? I Have used Microsoft.Web.Service3 WSE assembly - don't want to use that. Want to get rid of UsernameToken from my entire solution.


  • I have managed verify my security credentials on each webservice call. I have used Directory key-value pair to cache the credentials - if anyone looking for the similar, it would help.

    public class SecurityManager : UserNamePasswordValidator
        //cacheCredentials stores username and password
        static Dictionary<string, string> cacheCredentials = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        //cacheTimes stores username and time that username added to dictionary.
        static Dictionary<string, DateTime> cacheTimes = new Dictionary<string, DateTime>();
        public override void Validate(string userName, string password)
            if (userName == null || password == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException();
            if (cacheCredentials.ContainsKey(userName))
                if ((cacheCredentials[userName] == password) && ((DateTime.Now - cacheTimes[userName]) < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)))// &&  timespan < 30 sec - TODO
            if (Membership.ValidateUser(userName, password))
                //cache usename(key) and password(value)
                cacheCredentials.Add(userName, password);
                //cache username(key), time that username added to dictionary 
                cacheTimes.Add(userName, DateTime.Now);
            throw new FaultException("Authentication failed for the user");       