I just experienced a search dir *T.java
in a cmd.exe giving back SortedArrayList.java
as well as ReaderT.java
(my Test class filename structure). I can't infer a case sensitivity switch from the help output of dir /?
. Is there still a way though?
Addendum: I assume from the answers "Windows File System" refers to NTFS or FAT[32].
For my purposes I got inspired from the answers to use dir /b /s *T.class | grep T\.
Which created a new question
Just a quick google-fu:
1.1 Introduction to Windows' File System
In Windows, files are organized in directories (aka folders). The directories are organized in a hierarchical tree structure, starting from the root directory. A directory may contain sub-directories and files. The root directory is denoted as "\" (back-slash).Windows' file system is further organized in drive, identified by a drive letter followed by a colon (e.g., C:, D:, E:). Each drive has its own root directory, such as C:\, D:. Windows' file system is NOT case-sensitive, a rose is a Rose, and is a ROSE.
So no, there is no "case-senstive" option when using DIR. On the other hand, you can try to check case sensitivity on the side of the program which will be executing the file search.. In this case Java, as I presume. Just get all the files which match and then filter out the case-insensitive matches in Java.