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InputNumber submit

I have a problem with InputNumber from primefaces extensions. I have an inputnumber component on my form and when I enter a value in form and right after that I press ENTER button page is submitted but without that value in inputNumber field. It only works when that field loses focus. I checked in showcase but there were the same problem. In my case, that field is required and when I press enter button, value is gone and validation message that says that value is missing is shown. Any help?


  • Set your input as required="true" then catch the "enter" key and change focus to an otherInput like below; Run it on your .xhtml page between <script type="text/javascript"> </script> tags.

    $( 'form' ).bind('keypress', function(e){
       if ( e.keyCode == 13 ) {

    It works also for showcase.

    Good Luck!