I want to write app, which will work like a daemon and on some global keystroke paste some text to current active application (text editor, browser, jabber client) I think i will need to use some low level xserver api. How i can do this with Python or C++ ?
You can use the xmacroplay utility from xmacro to do this under X windows I think. Either use it directly - send it commands to standard input using the subprocess module, or read the source code and find out how it does it! I don't think there are python bindings for it.
From the xmacroplay website
Reads lines from the standard input. It can understand the following lines:
Delay [sec] - delays the program with [sec] secundums
ButtonPress [n] - sends a ButtonPress event with button [n]
this emulates the pressing of the mouse button [n]
ButtonRelease [n] - sends a ButtonRelease event with button [n]
this emulates the releasing of the mouse button [n]
... snip lots more ...
This is probably the command you are interested in
String [max. 1024 long string]
- Sends the string as single characters converted to
KeyPress and KeyRelease events based on a
character table in chartbl.h (currently only
Latin1 is used...)
There is also Xnee which does a similar thing.