I am using vis.gam() to plot the results from the following model:
gam.5 <- gam(mortality.under.2~s(maternal_age)+ s(birth_year) +
te(birth_year,maternal_age) + wealth + sex +
residence+ maternal_educ
The code to make the plot is the following:
cond=list(wealth="Lowest quintile",sex="Female",
Unfortunately, it produces predict values outside the range of the data for the variables 'maternal_age' and 'birth_year'. Any suggestion on how to constrain the range of the predicted values in the plot for the variables in view
Thanks a bunch,
Antonio Pedro.
Looking at the code it appears the graphics paradigm is base graphics (specifically the persp
function) and that there is trailing dots argument, so why not add:
..., `xlim=range(columbia1(maternal_age), ylim=range(columbia1$birth_year)`