I have three pre determined spawnpoints in my game that I have stored into CGPoints ivars
CGPoint spawnPos1 = ccp(50, 50);
CGPoint spawnPos2 = ccp(150, 150);
CGPoint spawnPos3 = ccp(250, 250);
What I would like to do is randomly choose between these points. After that I will set the position of my sprites to that point. Can I use arc4random somehow?
I have seen tons of examples on generating random points and I already do that in my game, but I am drawing a blank on how to use the predetermined points? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated?
So from the init method I call [self createSpawnPoint]; where I have these three points and in there I will set it to spawnPoint, which is just a ivar that I will use to set my sprites in a different method.
Thanks in advance!
Just use arc4random() % 3
to choose which value:
int spawnChoice = arc4random() % 3;
CGPoint spawnPoint = CGPointZero;
if(spawnChoice == 0){
spawnPoint = CGPointMake(50.0, 50.0);
else if(spawnChoice == 1){
spawnPoint = CGPointMake(150.0, 150.0);
spawnPoint = CGPointMake(250.0, 250.0);
Hope that Helps!