I am trying to get vim to fold the way I want, but an having troubles.
I use blank spaces in some of my test code to make it more legible, and I can't get vim to fold through the blank lines.
What I have:
describe 'Troubles' do
describe 'Home' do
let( :troubles ) { be_over}
describe 'Pain' do
it "shouldn't be this hard" { puts "but it is" }
and it want it to fold like:
describe 'Troubles' do
describe 'Home' do
+--- 6 lines: -------------------
Any way to get that done?
Here is my .vim setup for folding
set tabstop=2
set shiftwidth=2
set expandtab
set foldmethod=indent
set foldnestmax=10
set nofoldable
set foldlevel=1
what folding method are you using? using an indent fold method works fine for me (well it folds 5 lines since that first one is a blank unindented line.
set foldmethod=indent