I need to select top rated articles with uniqune name. I've got this articles table:
id name
1 Article 1
2 Article 1
3 Article 2
and votes table:
article_id rating
1 3
1 2
3 1
When I group articles by name, it counts average from rating even of articles with same name.
SELECT article.name, AVG(vote.rating) rating
FROM article
LEFT JOIN vote ON vote.article_id = article.id
GROUP BY article.name
but I want to get average rating of just top rated articles. Does anyone know how to do this? Thank you for any advice.
EDIT: I want to get this result:
name average_rating
Article 1 2.5
Article 2 1
This is what I was lookig for:
SELECT result.id, result.name, result.rating
SELECT article.id AS id, article.name AS name, AVG(vote.rating) AS rating
FROM article
LEFT JOIN vote ON vote.article_id = article.id
GROUP BY article.id
) AS result
GROUP BY result.name
Probably, it can be handled better but this just works. Thank you for your helping.