In my C++ program, i use the lio_listio
call to send many (up to a few hundred) write requests at once. After that, I do some calculations, and when I'm done I need to wait for all outstanding requests to finish before I can submit the next batch of requests. How can I do this?
Right now, I am just calling aio_suspend
in a loop, with one request per call, but this seems ugly. It looks like I should use the struct sigevent *sevp
argument to lio_listio
. My current guess is that I should do something like this:
, specify a notification function / signal handler that unlocks this mutex.This should give me the desired behavior, but will it work reliably? Is it allowed to manipulate mutexes from the signal handler context? I read that pthread mutexes can provide error detection and fail with if you try to lock them again from the same thread or unlock them from a different thread, yet this solution relies on deadlocking.
Example code, using a signal handler:
void notify(int, siginfo_t *info, void *) {
pthread_mutex_unlock((pthread_mutex_t *) info->si_value);
void output() {
pthread_mutex_t iomutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
struct sigaction act;
memset(&act, 0, sizeof(struct sigaction));
act.sa_sigaction = ¬ify;
act.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
sigaction(SIGUSR1, &act, NULL);
for (...) {
// do some calculations here...
struct aiocb *cblist[];
int cbno;
// set up the aio request list - omitted
struct sigevent sev;
memset(&sev, 0, sizeof(struct sigevent));
sev.sigev_notify = SIGEV_SIGNAL;
sev.sigev_signo = SIGUSR1;
sev.sigev_value.sival_ptr = &iomutex;
lio_listio(LIO_NOWAIT, cblist, cbno, &sev);
// ensure that the last queued operation completes
// before this function returns
Example code, using a notification function - possibly less efficient, since an extra thread is created:
void output() {
pthread_mutex_t iomutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
for (...) {
// do some calculations here...
struct aiocb *cblist[];
int cbno;
// set up the aio request list - omitted
struct sigevent sev;
memset(&sev, 0, sizeof(struct sigevent));
sev.sigev_notify = SIGEV_THREAD;
sev_sigev_notify_function = &pthread_mutex_unlock;
sev.sigev_value.sival_ptr = &iomutex;
lio_listio(LIO_NOWAIT, cblist, cbno, &sev);
// ensure that the last queued operation completes
// before this function returns
If you set the sigevent argument in the lio_listio() call, you will be notified with a signal (or function call) when all the jobs in that one particular call completes. You would still need to:
wait until you receive as many notifications as you have made lio_listio() calls, to know when they're all done.
use some safe mechanism to communicate from your signal handler to your main thread, probably via a global variable (to be portable).
If you're on linux, I would recommend tying an eventfd to your sigevent instead and wait on that. That's a lot more flexible since you don't need to involve signal handlers. On BSD (but not Mac OS), you can wait on aiocbs using kqueue and on solaris/illumos you can use a port to get notified of aiocb completions.
Here's an example of how to use eventfds on linux:
As a side note, I would use caution when issuing jobs with lio_listio. You're not guaranteed that it supports taking more than 2 jobs, and some systems have very low limits of how many you can issue at a time. Default on Mac OS for instance is 16. This limit may be defined as the AIO_LISTIO_MAX macro, but it isn't necessarily. In which case you need to call sysconf(_SC_AIO_LISTIO_MAX) (see docs). For details, see the lio_listio documentation.
You should at least check error conditions from your lio_listio() call.
Also, your solution of using a mutex is sub-optimal, since you will synchronize each loop in the for loop, and just run one at a time (unless it's a recursive mutex, but in that case its state could be corrupt if your signal handler happens to land on a different thread).
A more appropriate primitive may be a semaphore, which is released in the handler, and then (after your for loop) acquired the same number of times as you looped, calling lio_listio(). But, I would still recommend an eventfd if it's OK to be linux specific.