I'm working on a extended search feature for my webpage.
I looked at ransack, however it's lacking some functionalities I need, makes the url-query string very long and has some bugs (reported).
Thus I started to implement my own hack.
First I want to present my idea, afterwards I want to ask kindly how to fix my issue and in the end if there are other ways to improve this.
The idea:
A model defines something like this (additionally, the model is inside an engine):
module EngineName
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
search_for :name, :as => :string do |b, q|
b.where{name =~ "%#{q}%"}
:name is to define the query-param to use e.g. this would be ?q[name]=something I know that this is not fully generic like ransack, but well...
:as is to build up the correct form-tag. :string would be for text_field, :integer for number_field and so on. I want to extend it further to implement auto-generating of collections for associations etc.
Now the block is a simple scope to use. I run into several shortcomings with ransack when building up complex queries (like with count() etc.). Now I can specify my own optimized query in squeel.
I extended ActiveRecord::Base to set up the logic (the global one, not inside the engine. I want to use it everywhere). I defined a scope :search so I can use Model.search(param[q]) like in ransack. Also I tried to keep a list of keys which are "searchable" defined by the search_for calls.
class ActiveRecord::Base
@@searchable_attributes = Hash.new({})
def self.search_for(name, *opts, &search_scope)
return unless search_scope
@@searchable_attributes[name] = {
:type => opts[:as],
:condition => search_scope
unless @@searchable_attributes.has_key? :nil
@@searchable_attributes[:nil] = Proc.new { scoped }
scope :search, lambda {|q|
next unless q.kind_of?(Hash)
base = @@searchable_attributes[:nil].call
q.each do |key, search|
next unless base.class.searchable_attributes.has_key?(key)
base = @@searchable_attributes[key][:condition].call(base, search)
Now the issues:
It has mostly to do with inheritance of the classes. But even after reading and trying 3, 4 it does not worked.
Please take a look at the second line in the scope :search.
There I'm calling the simple Proc I definied above which only includes "scoped" This is to get arround the issue that self returns "ActiveRecord::Base" and not the model itself like "Post" or "Comment".
It's because the scope is called on the Base class on inheritance, however I did not find anything to fix this.
As search_for is called on the model itself (e.g. Post) the scope-model returned there is "the right one".
Does anyone know how to circumvent this?
The next question would be, how to store the list of "searchable" scopes. I used @@variables. But as they are shared within every subclass, this would be a no-go. However, it needs to be static as the search_for is called without initialize a instance (isn't it?)
Last but not least, it is somekind horrible to always specify the base-model to use on every scope so that I can chain them together.
Is there any other possibilities to improve this?
Ok, it seems I got it finally myself my putting several other answers from other questions together.
module EngineName
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
search_for :name, :as => :string do |b, q|
b.where{name =~ "%#{q}%"}
My "Plugin" currently as an initializer:
class ActiveRecord::Base
def self.searchable
include Searchable
module Searchable
def self.included(base)
base.class_eval {
@@searchable_attributes = Hash.new({})
def self.search_for(name, opts)
return unless block_given?
@@searchable_attributes[name] = {
:type => opts[:as],
:condition => Proc.new
# Named scopes
scope :search, lambda {|q|
next unless q.kind_of?(Hash)
base = self.scoped
q.each do |key, search|
key = key.to_sym
next unless @@searchable_attributes.has_key?(key)
base = @@searchable_attributes[key][:condition].call(base, search)
Hope it'll help some others working on the same problem.