I want to convert an instance of generic IDictionary<,>
to non generic IDictionary
. Can I do it without creating new instance of IDictionary
? Is any framework support for this task?
I tried wrapping the generic IDictionary<,>
in a class that implements nongenetic IDictionary
however I discovered that I then have to also somehow convert generic ICollection<>
to nongeneric one so I went with Mark Gravell's solution.
It all depends on the concrete implementation you are using.
For example, Dictionary<TKey,TValue> implements both the generic IDictionary<TKey,TValue> and the non-generic IDictionary - so if you have a Dictionary<TKey,TValue> you can use it as either without issue:
Dictionary<int, string> lookup = new Dictionary<int,string>();
IDictionary<int,string> typed = lookup;
IDictionary untyped = lookup;
However, this doesn't necessarily apply for all IDictionary<TKey,TValue> imlpementations, since it is not true that IDictionary<TKey,TValue> : IDictionary. If you are deep in the bowels of some generic code, you could test the current dictionary:
IDictionary<int,string> typed = ...
IDictionary untyped = typed as IDictionary;
if(untyped == null) {/* create by enumeration */}