According to Mixpanel doc, I need to base64 my json array before sending it to their API endpoint
json = {"event": "e-mail opened",
"properties": {
"distinct_id": "28224",
"token": "494f5d201963457e632d463d1d4745e4",
"time": int(time.time()),
"campaign": "gameweek 27"
Per the doc, I need to send it like that[BASE_64_JSON_EVENT]&ip=1&img=1
Here's my python code to convert the dict to base64 and send it. I get
data = base64.b64encode(json.dumps(json))
url = ''%data
My problem is that it doesn't track anything. If I convert the same dict using this online converter and construct the url manually it work.
So there's probably something who's not working in my encoding but what?
Not sure if it is a typo in the question, but instead of:
url = ''%data
it should be
url = ''%data
as the %d
expects a number, not a string, like %s