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Unexpected indent

I'm getting IndentationError: unexpected indent even though I wrote the code exactly as shown in the book (Learn Pythhon the hard way)

I'm sure that I'm using exactly four spaces to indent the lines which come after "def".

I am using Python 2.7 on Windows 7.

Here's the error I get in PowerShell:

PS C:\Users\Kiedis\python> python
  File "", line 3
    return sorted(words)
IndentationError: unexpected indent

And here are the first three lines of my code:

def sort_words(words):
    """Sorts the words"""
    return sorted(words)


  • You are mixing tabs and spaces anyway; run your script with:

    python -tt

    to detect where the error lies.

    Then configure your editor to only use spaces for indentation, and re-indent your file. See How does one configure Notepad++ to use spaces instead of tabs?