I have been working with sdl ttf, Now, I'm creating a text renderer function for multiline text rendering.
I am creating a surface for each line, blitting in in a "global" surface, and then converting that "global" surface to a texture.
Actually My problem is the following: If I let the global surface transparent, the blitting does not works (It shows an empty surface), If I set that SDL_FillRect, and then do the SDL_SetColorKey, does not works.
I tried to do that with a per-pixel method, it works, but it's not the result expected.
What I need actually is: Blit surfaces (Text rendered surfaces with TTF_RenderText_Blended), blit them inside a SDL_Surface with a transparent background, that's all.
SDL_Surface * surfed_texture = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,surface_width,surface_height,32,
0x000000ff, 0x0000ff00, 0x00ff0000, 0xff000000);
Uint32 tormv = SDL_MapRGB(surfed_texture->format,255,0,255);
int possiblecolors[] = { 255,0,255,255,255,255 };
int in_pc = 0;
if(color.r == possiblecolors[0] && color.g == possiblecolors[1] && color.b == possiblecolors[2]){
SDL_SetColorKey(surfed_texture, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, SDL_MapRGB(surfed_texture->format,possiblecolors[in_pc],possiblecolors[in_pc+1],possiblecolors[in_pc+2]));
SDL_Surface * temporal = NULL;
for(int i=0;i<(int)buff_split.size();i++){
const char* c_text = buff_split.at(i).c_str();
temporal = TTF_RenderText_Blended(font,c_text,color);
int w_fo;
int h_fo;
SDL_Rect rct;
}else if(txt_align==ALIGN_CENTER){
rct.x = surface_width/2 - w_fo/2;
}else if(txt_align==ALIGN_RIGHT){
rct.x = surface_width - w_fo;
// Blit surface
Blitting into "surfed_texture" with transparent background = Does not shows the blitted surface. Per-Pixel method: Does not removes all the background.
And the SDL_SetColorKey is not working! (I already tried SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha and stills not working).
Some help?
The solution is the following:
Use the SDL_SetAlpha NOT in the "global" surface, apply a SDL_SetAlpha to each "temporal" surface with no flags, and with a value of 0:
Now it's working fine!