I'm trying to extract an ECDSA public key from my known_hosts file that ssh uses to verify a host. I have one below as an example.
This is the entry for " ecdsa-sha2-nistp256" in my known_hosts file:
I ran it through a Base64 decoder to get this:
So I'm assuming those question marks are some kind of separator (no, those are lengths). I figured that nistp256 is the elliptical curve used, but what exactly is that last value?
From what I've been reading, the public key for ECDSA has a pair of values, x and y, which represent a point on the curve. Is there some way to extract x and y from there?
I'm trying to convert it into a Java public key object, but I need x and y in order to do so.
Not all of characters are shown since they are binary. Write the Base64-decoded value to the file and open it in a hex editor.
The public key for a P256 curve should be a 65-byte array, starting from the byte with value 4 (which means a non-compressed point). The next 32 bytes would be the x value, and the next 32 the y value.