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Correct implementation of a custom config section with nested collections?

In a web application, I want to be able to define some mapping using a config section like this:

        <sectionGroup name="MyCustomer">
            <section name="CatalogMappings" type="MyCustom.MyConfigSection" />
            <catalog name="toto">
                <mapping value="1" displayText="titi" />
                <mapping value="2" displayText="tata" />
            <catalog name="toto2">
                <mapping value="1" displayText="titi2" />
                <mapping value="2" displayText="tata2" />

I'm struggling to achieve this goal, especially when defining my collection of collections. What are the classes that I need to implement to achieve this?

Currently, I have:

public class CatalogMappingSection : System.Configuration.ConfigurationSection
    public class Mapping : ConfigurationElement
        public string ExternalKey { get; set; }
        [ConfigurationProperty("displayText", IsRequired=true)]
        public string DisplayText { get; set; }
        [ConfigurationProperty("value", IsRequired=true, IsKey=true)]
        public int Value { get; set; }

    public class Catalog : ConfigurationElementCollection
        [ConfigurationProperty("name", IsRequired=true, IsKey=true)]
        public string Name { get; set; }

        protected override ConfigurationElement CreateNewElement()
            return new Mapping();

        protected override object GetElementKey(ConfigurationElement element)
            return ((Mapping)element).Value;

    public class CatalogCollection : ConfigurationElementCollection
        public Catalog CatalogMappingCollection
                return (Catalog)base["catalog"];

        protected override ConfigurationElement CreateNewElement()
            return new Catalog();

        protected override object GetElementKey(ConfigurationElement element)
            return ((Catalog)element).Name;

    public CatalogCollection CatalogMappings
            return (CatalogCollection)base["catalogMappings"];

But, this is not working as expected.


  • I finally found this guy's example. It was coded and worked right out of the box.

    I am going to paste the code here......only because I cannot stand it when someone says "Your answer is here", and the link is dead.

    Please try his website first, and leave a "thank you" if it works.

    Note, I also have a "Usa-States and Usa-Counties" example (an answer to THIS SOF question) if you want a "more well known" (object model) example.

    using System;
    using System.Configuration;
    namespace SSHTunnelWF
        public class TunnelSection : ConfigurationSection
            [ConfigurationProperty("", IsDefaultCollection = true)]  
            public HostCollection Tunnels
                    HostCollection hostCollection = (HostCollection)base[""];
                    return hostCollection;                
        public class HostCollection : ConfigurationElementCollection
            public HostCollection()
                HostConfigElement details = (HostConfigElement)CreateNewElement();
                if (details.SSHServerHostname != "")
            public override ConfigurationElementCollectionType CollectionType
                    return ConfigurationElementCollectionType.BasicMap;
            protected override ConfigurationElement CreateNewElement()
                return new HostConfigElement();
            protected override Object GetElementKey(ConfigurationElement element)
                return ((HostConfigElement)element).SSHServerHostname;
            public HostConfigElement this[int index]
                    return (HostConfigElement)BaseGet(index);
                    if (BaseGet(index) != null)
                    BaseAdd(index, value);
            new public HostConfigElement this[string name]
                    return (HostConfigElement)BaseGet(name);
            public int IndexOf(HostConfigElement details)
                return BaseIndexOf(details);
            public void Add(HostConfigElement details)
            protected override void BaseAdd(ConfigurationElement element)
                BaseAdd(element, false);
            public void Remove(HostConfigElement details)
                if (BaseIndexOf(details) >= 0)
            public void RemoveAt(int index)
            public void Remove(string name)
            public void Clear()
            protected override string ElementName
                get { return "host"; }
        public class HostConfigElement:ConfigurationElement
            [ConfigurationProperty("SSHServerHostname", IsRequired = true, IsKey = true)]
            [StringValidator(InvalidCharacters = "  ~!@#$%^&*()[]{}/;’\"|\\")]
            public string SSHServerHostname
                get { return (string)this["SSHServerHostname"]; }
                set { this["SSHServerHostname"] = value; }
            [ConfigurationProperty("username", IsRequired = true)]
            [StringValidator(InvalidCharacters = "  ~!@#$%^&*()[]{}/;’\"|\\")]
            public string Username
                get { return (string)this["username"]; }
                set { this["username"] = value; }
            [ConfigurationProperty("SSHport", IsRequired = true, DefaultValue = 22)]
            [IntegerValidator(MinValue = 1, MaxValue = 65536)]
            public int SSHPort
                get { return (int)this["SSHport"]; }
                set { this["SSHport"] = value; }
            [ConfigurationProperty("password", IsRequired = false)]
            public string Password
                get { return (string)this["password"]; }
                set { this["password"] = value; }
            [ConfigurationProperty("privatekey", IsRequired = false)]
            public string Privatekey
                get { return (string)this["privatekey"]; }
                set { this["privatekey"] = value; }
            [ConfigurationProperty("privatekeypassphrase", IsRequired = false)]
            public string Privatekeypassphrase
                get { return (string)this["privatekeypassphrase"]; }
                set { this["privatekeypassphrase"] = value; }
            [ConfigurationProperty("tunnels", IsDefaultCollection = false)]
            public TunnelCollection Tunnels
                get { return (TunnelCollection)base["tunnels"]; }
        public class TunnelCollection : ConfigurationElementCollection
            public new TunnelConfigElement this[string name]
                    if (IndexOf(name) < 0) return null;
                    return (TunnelConfigElement)BaseGet(name);
            public TunnelConfigElement this[int index]
                get { return (TunnelConfigElement)BaseGet(index); }
            public int IndexOf(string name)
                name = name.ToLower();
                for (int idx = 0; idx < base.Count; idx++)
                    if (this[idx].Name.ToLower() == name)
                        return idx;
                return -1;
            public override ConfigurationElementCollectionType CollectionType
                get { return ConfigurationElementCollectionType.BasicMap; }
            protected override ConfigurationElement CreateNewElement()
                return new TunnelConfigElement();
            protected override object GetElementKey(ConfigurationElement element)
                return ((TunnelConfigElement)element).Name;
            protected override string ElementName
                get { return "tunnel"; }
        public class TunnelConfigElement : ConfigurationElement
            public TunnelConfigElement()
            public TunnelConfigElement(string name, int localport, int remoteport, string destinationserver)
                this.DestinationServer = destinationserver;
                this.RemotePort = remoteport;
                this.LocalPort = localport;            
                this.Name = name;
            [ConfigurationProperty("name", IsRequired = true, IsKey = true, DefaultValue = "")]       
            public string Name
                get { return (string)this["name"]; }
                set { this["name"] = value; }
            [ConfigurationProperty("localport", IsRequired = true, DefaultValue =1)]
            [IntegerValidator(MinValue = 1, MaxValue = 65536)]
            public int LocalPort
                get { return (int)this["localport"]; }
                set { this["localport"] = value; }
            [ConfigurationProperty("remoteport", IsRequired = true, DefaultValue =1)]
            [IntegerValidator(MinValue = 1, MaxValue = 65536)]
            public int RemotePort
                get { return (int)this["remoteport"]; }
                set { this["remoteport"] = value; }
            [ConfigurationProperty("destinationserver", IsRequired = true)]
            [StringValidator(InvalidCharacters = "  ~!@#$%^&*()[]{}/;’\"|\\")]
            public string DestinationServer
                get { return (string)this["destinationserver"]; }
                set { this["destinationserver"] = value; }

    And the configuration code

     <?xml version="1.0"?>
         <section name="TunnelSection" type="SSHTunnelWF.TunnelSection,SSHTunnelWF" />
         <host SSHServerHostname="" username="user" SSHport="22" password="pass" privatekey="" privatekeypassphrase="">
             <tunnel name="tfs" localport="8081"  remoteport="8080" destinationserver=""  />
             <tunnel name="sql" localport="14331"  remoteport="1433" destinationserver=""  />
             <tunnel name="crm2011app" localport="81"  remoteport="80" destinationserver=""  />
         <host SSHServerHostname="blade16" username="root" SSHport="22"  password="pass" privatekey="" privatekeypassphrase="">
            <tunnel name="vnc" localport="5902"  remoteport="5902" destinationserver="" />

    And then the "call"

    TunnelSection tunnels = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("TunnelSection") as TunnelSection