I have a Post model and a Tag model into a many-to-many relationship.
When I get the posts and all tags the post have I use this and it works just fine :
$posts = Post::with(array('tags'))
->where('cat_id', '=', $cat->id)
->order_by('created_at', 'desc')
The above code shows the latest posts created and paginate them.
I want to achive the same thing but the other way, to start from the tag and get a list of the posts paginated and ordered by created_at column.
->where('tagname', '=', $tag)
This works but shows all posts, and I want them paginated, ordered and filtered where_published(1).
Can this be done with eloquent using eager loading (without eager loading I already know to do it but there will be too many queries made) ?
Where can I put the filtering and how to get them paginated ?
You can do this:
Tag::with(array('posts' => function ($query) { $query->where('published', '=', 1); })->where('tagname', '=', $tag) ->first();
However, that's pretty much all you can do with it unfortunately. Ordering and most other stuff is not supported as of yet - the way I got around this was to create a function in the model like so:
public function posts_ordered() { return $this->has_many_and_belongs_to('Post')->order_by('your_field', 'asc'); }
So you will have a normal function for posts() in the model, but also posts_ordered can be used like:
Tag::with('posts_ordered')->where('tagname', '=', $tag)->first();
Unfortunately you cannot pass variables (as far as I have tried) to those functions, hence the need to create seperate ones.