In QML you can do the on click event. I am writing my qml in C++, however there is no onclick method.
How do you get the on click to work.
Button *btnSave = new Button();
Does anyone have a simple example that they could provide to get me started?
Thanks in advance.
To do this in C++, you have to connect a signal (in this case, is the Button's clicked() to a slot of your class). You better take a look here.
Supposing you defined a slot called onSaveButtonClicked()
in your header, that will be called when your button is clicked:
public slots:
void onSaveButtonClicked();
in your application class, after create your button, you'd have to do:
connect(btnSave, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onSaveButtonClicked()));
When your button is clicked, it will emit the signal that will call the slot function.