I get a couple of user objects in @users. and i have a task object in params[:task] Now i want to save the taskobject and add relationships between all @users and that task....
@users = User.find(session[:user_id], params[:user_task])
@task = @users.tasks.create(params[:task])
@task.owner_id = session[:user_id]
if @task.save
redirect_to task_path(@task)
all i get is an error like: undefined method `tasks' for Array. How do i do it?
You need to first initialize the new task, assign its owner and save it, and if that is successful then you can create associations with all users.
Like this:
@task = Task.new(params[:task])
@task.owner_id = session[:user_id]
if @task.save
@users = User.find(session[:user_id], params[:user_task])
@users.each { |user| user.tasks << @task }