Working on accessibility, have a textbox containing a date (format depends on language selected). Screen readers read the date currently in the textbox letter-by-letter ("Twelve-slash-oh-five-slash-twenty-thirteen" for 12/05/2013).
1) How can I tell the reader program to read out "twelfth may twenty-thirteen"?
2) How can I tell the reader the format required by the textbox to be typed in? e.g. "day-slash-month-slash-year"
I'm new to this topic and not familiar with the concepts. Any ideas or hints, links to details or concepts are very much welcome.
1) you can't. I wouldn't worry about it.
2) Screen readers need <label>
s to be read correctly, you can do it like so
<label for="date">Birthday (DD/MM/YYYY)</label>
<input id="date" name="date" type="text"/>
If you want to hide the formatting, you can do:
<label for="date">Birthday <span class="hidden">DD/MM/YYY</span></label>
where hidden is:
.hidden {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: -999px;