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OleDbCommand parameters order and priority

I have been debugging this query for the last 40 minutes, and the problem apparently is the order of the parameters after all.

SELECT * FROM tblSomeThing WHERE id = @id AND debut = @dtDebut AND fin = @dtFin

Then I add the parameters this way, notice that the two last parameters are switched, I get no results.

cmd.Parameters.Add("@id", OleDbType.Integer).Value = idSociete;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@dtFin", OleDbType.Date).Value = dateTraitementFin;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@dtDebut", OleDbType.Date).Value = dateTraitementDebut;

When I declare the parameters the way they appear in the queury everything works perfectly.

I thought named parameters were at first place to address this problem! what am I missing here?

Thank you


  • According to OleDbCommand does not support named parameter

    The OLE DB .NET Provider does not support named parameters for passing parameters to an SQL statement or a stored procedure called by an OleDbCommand when CommandType is set to Text. In this case, the question mark (?) placeholder must be used. For example:

    SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CustomerID = ?

    Therefore, the order in which OleDbParameter objects are added to the OleDbParameterCollection must directly correspond to the position of the question mark placeholder for the parameter in the command text.

    So order of parameter is important.