Last night I learned about the /redo option for when you return
from a function. It lets you return another function, which is then invoked at the calling site and reinvokes the evaluator from the same position
>> foo: func [a] [(print a) (return/redo (func [b] [print b + 10]))]
>> foo "Hello" 10
Even though foo
is a function that only takes one argument, it now acts like a function that took two arguments. Something like that would otherwise require the caller to know you were returning a function, and that caller would have to manually use the do
evaluator on it.
Thus without return/redo
, you'd get:
>> foo: func [a] [(print a) (return (func [b] [print b + 10]))]
>> foo "Hello" 10
== 10
consumed its one parameter and returned a function by value (which was not invoked, thus the interpreter moved on). Then the expression evaluated to 10. If return/redo
did not exist you'd have had to write:
>> do foo "Hello" 10
This keeps the caller from having to know (or care) if you've chosen to return a function to execute. And is cool because you can do things like tail call optimization, or writing a wrapper for the return functionality itself. Here's a variant of return
that prints a message but still exits the function and provides the result:
>> myreturn: func [] [(print "Leaving...") (return/redo :return)]
>> foo: func [num] [myreturn num + 10]
>> foo 10
== 20
But functions aren't the only thing that have behavior in do
. So if this is a general pattern for "removing the need for a DO at the callsite", then why doesn't this print anything?
>> test: func [] [return/redo [print "test"]]
>> test
== [print "test"]
It just returned the block by value, like a normal return would have. Shouldn't it have printed out "test"? That's what do
would...uh, do with it:
>> do [print "test"]
The short answer is because it is generally unnecessary to evaluate a block at the call point, because blocks in Rebol don't take parameters so it mostly doesn't matter where they are evaluated. However, that "mostly" may need some explanation...
It comes down to two interesting features of Rebol: static binding, and how do
of a function works.
Rebol doesn't have scoped word bindings, it has static direct word bindings. Sometimes it seems like we have lexical scope, but we really fake that by updating the static bindings each time we're building a new "scoped" code block. We can also rebind words manually whenever we want.
What that means for us in this case though, is that once a block exists, its bindings and values are static - they're not affected by where the block is physically located, or where it is being evaluated.
However, and this is where it gets tricky, function contexts are weird. While the bindings of words bound to a function context are static, the set of values assigned to those words are dynamically scoped. It's a side effect of how code is evaluated in Rebol: What are language statements in other languages are functions in Rebol, so a call to if
, for instance, actually passes a block of data to the if
function which if
then passes to do
. That means that while a function is running, do
has to look up the values of its words from the call frame of the most recent call to the function that hasn't returned yet.
This does mean that if you call a function and return a block of code with words bound to its context, evaluating that block will fail after the function returns. However, if your function calls itself and that call returns a block of code with its words bound to it, evaluating that block before your function returns will make it look up those words in the call frame of the current call of your function.
This is the same for whether you do
or return/redo
, and affects inner functions as well. Let me demonstrate:
Function returning code that is evaluated after the function returns, referencing a function word:
>> a: 10 do do has [a] [a: 20 [a]]
** Script error: a word is not bound to a context
** Where: do
** Near: do do has [a] [a: 20 [a]]
Same, but with return/redo
and the code in a function:
>> a: 10 do has [a] [a: 20 return/redo does [a]]
** Script error: a word is not bound to a context
** Where: function!
** Near: [a: 20 return/redo does [a]]
Code do
version, but inside an outer call to the same function:
>> do f: function [x] [a: 10 either zero? x [do f 1] [a: 20 [a]]] 0
== 10
Same, but with return/redo
and the code in a function:
>> do f: function [x] [a: 10 either zero? x [f 1] [a: 20 return/redo does [a]]] 0
== 10
So in short, with blocks there is usually no advantage to doing the block elsewhere than where it is defined, and if you want to it is easier to use another call to do
instead. Self-calling recursive functions that need to return code to be executed in outer calls of the same function are an exceedingly rare code pattern that I have never seen used in Rebol code at all.
It could be possible to change return/redo
so it would handle blocks as well, but it probably isn't worth the increased overhead to return/redo
to add a feature that is only useful in rare circumstances and already has a better way to do
However, that brings up an interesting point: If you don't need return/redo
for blocks because do
does the same job, doesn't the same apply to functions? Why do we need return/redo
at all?
Basically, we have return/redo
because it uses exactly the same code that we use to implement do
of a function. You might not realize it, but do
of a function is really unusual.
In most programming languages that can call a function value, you have to pass the parameters to the function as a complete set, sort of how R3's apply
function works. Regular Rebol function calling causes some unknown-ahead-of-time number of additional evaluations to happen for its arguments using unknown-ahead-of-time evaluation rules. The evaluator figures out these evaluation rules at runtime and just passes the results of the evaluation to the function. The function itself doesn't handle the evaluation of its parameters, or even necessarily know how those parameters were evaluated.
However, when you do
a function value explicitly, that means passing the function value to a call to another function, a regular function named do
, and then that magically causes the evaluation of additional parameters that weren't even passed to the do
function at all.
Well it's not magic, it's return/redo
. The way do
of a function works is that it returns a reference to the function in a regular shortcut-return value, with a flag in the shortcut-return value that tells the interpreter that called do
to evaluate the returned function as if it were called right there in the code. This is basically what is called a trampoline.
Here's where we get to another interesting feature of Rebol: The ability to shortcut-return values from a function is built into the evaluator, but it doesn't actually use the return
function to do it. All of the functions you see from Rebol code are wrappers around the internal stuff, even return
and do
. The return
function we call just generates one of those shortcut-return values and returns it; the evaluator does the rest.
So in this case, what really happened is that all along we had code that did what return/redo
does internally, but Carl decided to add an option to our return
function to set that flag, even though the internal code doesn't need return
to do so because the internal code calls the internal function. And then he didn't tell anyone that he was making the option externally available, or why, or what it did (I guess you can't mention everything; who has the time?). I have the suspicion, based on conversations with Carl and some bugs we've been fixing, that R2 handled do
of a function differently, in a way that would have made return/redo
That does mean that the handling of return/redo
is pretty thoroughly oriented towards function evaluation, since that is its entire reason for existing at all. Adding any overhead to it would add overhead to do
of a function, and we use that a lot. Probably not worth extending it to blocks, given how little we'd gain and how rarely we'd get any benefit at all.
For return/redo
of a function though, it seems to be getting more and more useful the more we think about it. In the last day we've come up with all sorts of tricks that this enables. Trampolines are useful.