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how to make sure int is assigned a unique id for that thread

I need to insert into database which has two columns-

ID      PrimaryKey String

So that means each thread should be using unique id always and I need to store the same ID in Account column also. So suppose if ID is 1 then in Database it should be stored as

ID  Account
1   SomeString+1
2   SomeString+2
3   SomeString+3

100 SomeString+100

I am concatenating that userID with that String always in Account column.

Below is my multithreaded code which will spawn multiple threads- And each thread will be getting a new unique ID everytime as I am using AtomicInteger for that. And it will insert that ID to ID column and also append that ID to Account column

But somehow in my below program what I have seen in that database is-

ID Account
1  String+2
2  String+1
3  String+3

Which is not right. It should be something like this-

ID Account
1  String+1
2  String+2
3  String+3

Below is the code

 public static void main(String[] args) {

        final int noOfThreads = 4;
        final int noOfTasks = 10;

        final AtomicInteger id = new AtomicInteger(1);

        ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(noOfThreads);

        for (int i = 0; i < noOfTasks * noOfThreads; i++) {
            service.submit(new Task(id));

class Task implements Runnable {

    private final AtomicInteger id;
    private volatile int userId;

    public Task(AtomicInteger id) { = id;

    public void run() {

        dbConnection = getDBConnection();

        preparedStatement = dbConnection.prepareStatement(Constants.INSERT_ORACLE_SQL);

        userId = id.getAndIncrement();

        preparedStatement.setString(1, String.valueOf(userId));
        preparedStatement.setString(2, Constants.getaAccount(userId));


And below is my Constants class which I have made immutable.

public final class Constants {

    public static String A_ACCOUNT;

    public final static String INSERT_ORACLE_SQL = "INSERT INTO XMP_TEST"
        + "("
        + "ID, A_ACCOUNT) VALUES"
        + "(?, ?)";

    public static String getaAccount(int userId) {      
        A_ACCOUNT = "{\"lv\":[{\"v\":{\"userId\":"+userId+"},\"cn\":1}]}";

        return A_ACCOUNT;


Can anyone tell me what wrong I am doing here? I believe it's happening because of thread safety issue. Multiple threads modifying the userID integer I guess and that's why it is getting written wrongly to database.

How can I fix this problem?


  • The major problem I see is not with Task.userId, but rather with Constants.A_ACCOUNT: if two separate threads call getaAccount at the same time, then they'll both set Constants.A_ACCOUNT and both read it, so they can end up both having the same value, or each having the other's value, or whatnot. To fix this, you can use a local variable instead of a static field:

        public static String getaAccount(int userId) {      
            final String ret = "{\"lv\":[{\"v\":{\"userId\":"+userId+"},\"cn\":1}]}";
            return ret;

    or just dispense with the variable:

        public static String getaAccount(int userId) {      
            return "{\"lv\":[{\"v\":{\"userId\":"+userId+"},\"cn\":1}]}";

    (You say that you've made Constants immutable, but that's not really true. Instances of Constants will be immutable, because they have no fields at all; but Constants itself has a publically modifiable field, so it's very mutable!)

    More generally, you shouldn't be using fields for temporary values only needed within a specific method, and only during a single call to it. Even when it's not a synchronization problem, it's a maintenance problem. For example, Task does not need a volatile int userId; userId should just be a local variable inside its run method.

    Also, I'd recommend wrapping your AtomicInteger in its own class, IncrementingCounter or something, that offers just one method, called (say) getNewId. Then getNewId will be the only class that has to deal with coordination between threads. All other classes can be made threadsafe by regular techniques (immutability, only existing within a single thread, etc.).