This is a very specific question but I have been trying to get this to work for two days without success.
I am using MIT-Scheme (Release 7.7.90 on Ubuntu 10.04) to run some Scheme scripts. My command line looks as follow
mit-scheme --band "" --interactive --batch-mode < myscript.scm
My problem is that if the main script loads other Scheme files, the interpreter logs this by printing somethig like:
;Loading "....scm"... done
;Loading "....scm"...
; Loading "....scm"... done
; Loading "....scm"...
; Loading "....scm"... done
; ... done
;... done
;Loading "....scm"... done
This is very annoying because my script also logs some progress information which gets mixed up with the above output. So, I would like to suppress the output from the load procedure completely.
I have been looking through the online documentation but I haven't found anything specific. The only solution I have found consists in loading the script with all its dependencies into the interpreter and saving an image with disk-save. If I then load that image with the --band option all the unwanted output is gone.
But of course I do not want to load the source and save an image each time I modify a source file. Is there a simpler solution, e.g. a command-line option, an environment variable, or some option that can be set from within the Scheme code?
This is a little late, but for anyone stumbling on this later:
You can use load/suppress-loading-message?
e.g. doing a (set! load/suppress-loading-message? #t)
will turn off the loading message.
In your case, you should try --eval "(set! load/suppress-loading-message? #t)"