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Google App Engine get PolyModel as child class

When I run Google App Engine likeso:

 from google.appengine.ext import db
 from google.appengine.ext.db import polymodel

 class Father(polymodel.PolyModel):
      def hello(self):
          print "Father says hi"

 class Son(Father):
      def hello(self):
          print "Spawn says hi"

When I run, e.g.

 s = Son()

 son_from_father = Father.get_by_id(s.key().id())


This prints "Father says hi". I would expect this to print "Son says hi". Does anyone know how to make this do what's expected, here?


The problem was, ultimately, that I was saving Spawn objects as Father objects. GAE was happy to do even though the Father objects (in my application) have fewer properties. GAE didn't complain because I (silently) removed any values not in from the data being saved.

I've fixed the improper type saving and added a check for extra values not being saved (which was helpfully a TODO comment right where that check should happen). The check I do for data when saving is basically:

def save_obj(obj, data, Model):
   for prop in # checks/other things happen in this loop
      setattr(obj, prop, data.get(prop))

   extra_data = set(data).difference(
   if extra_data:
      logging.debug("Extra data!")

The posts here were helpful - thank you. GAE is working as expected, now that I'm using it as directed. :)


  • I can't reproduce your problem -- indeed, your code just dies with an import error (PolyModel is not in module db) on my GAE (version 1.2.5). Once I've fixed things enough to let the code run...:

    import wsgiref.handlers
    from google.appengine.ext import webapp
    from google.appengine.ext.db import polymodel
    class Father(polymodel.PolyModel):
        def hello(self):
            return "Father says hi"
    class Son(Father):
        def hello(self):
            return "Spawn says hi"
    class MainHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
      def get(self):
        s = Son()
        son_from_father = Father.get_by_id(s.key().id())
        x = son_from_father.hello()
    def main():
      application = webapp.WSGIApplication([('/', MainHandler)],
    if __name__ == '__main__':

    ...I see "Spawn says hi" as expected. What App Engine release do you have? What happen if you use exactly the code I'm giving?