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Passing html class to option in options_for_select not working Rails 2.3.9

I am working on a Rails 2.3.9 application . I need to pass a class to the options. The way i am doing is

<%= select(:resporg, "hresporg_#{row_id}",options_for_select(["Item11",["Item 2", {:class => 'has-versions'}]]), {}, {:multiple => true})%>


<select id="resporg_hresporg_1" name="resporg[hresporg_1][]" multiple="multiple">
<option value="Item11">Item11</option>
<option value="classhas-versions">Item 2</option>

If you check the above output the class is coming as value. Any idea on what is going wrong?


  • I have to manually do it because of the constraint. That this is valid for rails >= 3.0.0

    In the template.html.erb

    <select style="width:160px !important;" id="resporg_hresporg_1" name="resporg[hresporg_1][]" multiple="multiple">
          <%= opts %>

    In the helper

    def opts
        str = ''.html_safe
        ['Item1','Item2'].each { |val| str << content_tag(:option, val, :value => val,:class => val.eql?('Item2') ? "MyClass" : nil) }