So I'm doing BDD with Cucumber and have a form with checkboxes populated from a database. The labels for the checkboxes contain hyperlinks. So far, not too exotic (note, this is HAML and not Erb, but it should be readable enough for any Rails person):
I would like my donation to support:
- for podcast in @podcasts
= check_box_tag "donation[podcast_ids][]",, true
= donation.label "donation[podcast_ids][]", link_to(, podcast.url), :value =>
The problem is that in my Cucumber features, I can't figure out how to find that checkbox to check it. The relevant part of the story is this:
Scenario: Happy path
Given I am on the home page
When I fill in "My email address" with ""
# Skipped for brevity...
And I check the "Escape Pod" podcast
And I check the "PodCastle" podcast
And I press "I'm ready!"
Then I should see "Thank you!"
And there should be 2 podcast donation records
If I'm using the bare webrat_steps.rb file I get the following error:
Could not find field: "Escape Pod" (Webrat::NotFoundError)
I'm quite certain it's because of that link_to()
method, which I'm using to make "Escape Pod" a hyperlink to the actual Web site. But I can't easily access link_to
from my Cucumber step, and I can't figure out any reasonable way of pointing Webrat at the right checkbox short of kludging up a whole bunch of hyperlink code in my step (which makes it very brittle).
My BDD is stalled at this point. I don't want to take out the link just because it's hard to test. And it feels like it shouldn't be hard to test. Webrat is just limiting what I can pass into the checks()
method. Can anyone suggest an elegant answer for this?
The short answer is the to use field_by_xpath or one of the other Webrat::Locators methods to select what element to manipulate in your step:
When(/^I check the "(.+?)" podcast$/) do |name|
You might need to play with that xpath a little, or use field_by_id
instead. Remember it is looking got the html id of the tag not the id from the database.