I have a GWT 2.5 app following Thomas Broyer's maven archetypes. I've followed the guidelines explained in the SO question and everything seems to be OK.
The code server is running properly. I browse my app and I start the dev mode from bookmarks copied to the toolbar. After starting dev mode, I can see the dialog with the compile button. After clicking the button, I can see the compiler working in Eclipse console. However, when I try to see java code on Chrome browser I can see javascript code only.
I don't know if it could be relevant, but I'm starting the code server from maven with gwt-maven-plugin's gwt:run-codeserver goal.
This is a known issue: Chrome changed the way it deals with Source Maps and this lead to an incompatibility with how GWT produces them.
This is fixed in 2.5.1-rc1 that's just been published to Central (a couple days ago, not yet officially announced). See http://mojo.codehaus.org/gwt-maven-plugin/user-guide/using-different-gwt-sdk-version.html to use it into your build. I'll release a new version of the gwt-maven-plugin that "links" to this version, and then update the archetypes.