How can I store XML explain plan (or any other format) in PostgreSQL database?
Test data: explain (verbose, format xml) select 1
Table to store results: create table tmp.explain_plan_data (expp xml);
My naive test failed:
insert into tmp.explain_plan_data values (explain (verbose, format xml) select 1);
It seems that explain cannot be used in any other select
statement, the following statement does not work either:
select * from (explain (verbose, format xml) select 1) a
We are using PostreSQL 9.1.6
It is not possible to capture EXPLAIN
output using subqueries, you should go for a PL/pgSQL procedure:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION explain_v_xml(in_sql text)
RETURNS TABLE(explain_line xml) AS $explain_v_xml$
$explain_v_xml$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Now you can query it like this:
SELECT explain_line FROM explain_v_xml('SELECT * FROM pg_locks');
And insert into your target table:
INSERT INTO tmp.explain_plan_data SELECT explain_v_xml('SELECT 1');
SELECT * FROM tmp.explain_plan_data;
Perhaps explain output alone in the table is not so handy, I would rather added
original query and timestamptz
of the insert.