I have to build a couple of websites that will be hosted in a shared hosting environment. Both applications have different functionalities that can't be easily solved by the usual cms. It's not commercial stuff, so there's no money to afford anything else, and besides, the space is kindly offered for free. The environment is php 5.3.6.
I normally would pick symfony 2 to develop quickly and save a lot of headaches, but there's a big problem with performances: without APC or equivalent accelerator, things are really slow.
I know there are lots of "what's the best php framework?" questions out there, but this is aimed to a specific environment, to avoid a specific problem.
What is the best solution to develop in php when you don't have accelerators?
What frameworks or components do you suggest?
PHP Microframeworks:
Silex http://silex.sensiolabs.org/ - based on Symfony 2 so it might be familiar to you
Slim http://www.slimframework.com/
PIP http://gilbitron.github.com/PIP/
Flight: http://flightphp.com/
Plus some (pinch of salt) benchmarks: http://www.ruilog.com/blog/view/b6f0e42cf705.html