The compiler shows me a warning as Local declaration of 'photo' hides instance variable. I don't understand what's going on.
// PTKData.h
@interface PTKData : NSObject {
UIImage *photo;
@property ( nonatomic, retain ) UIImage *photo;
- ( void ) doSomething: ( UIImage * )photo;
// PTKData.m
@synthesize photo = _photo;
- ( void ) doSomething: ( UIImage * )photo {
_photo = photo;
On my understanding, @synthesize photo = _photo renames photo to _photo when existing the same local variable name in a method. I can't look for the problem causing the warning in my code.
Thank you in advance.
In your code, you are creating two ivar's:
One with this line at the top:
UIImage *photo; // Creates an ivar called photo
And the second one when you synthesize photo
@synthesize photo = _photo; // Creates an ivar called _photo
I'm guessing that you only want the second one, and can simply delete the entire first line. (It isn't associated with
at all anyway, like _photo