I have a string being generated passed to and outputed by template toolkit using:
Its using format_price
I want to drop the cents off the price if they are zero. So 100.00 becomes 100
Can't find any clear solution to this.
is used in hundreds of places within this project and if possible i'd like to not change that and override the method with this functionality if possible.
You can extend Template::Plugin::Number::Format
to create your own plugin like so:
package Template::Plugin::My::Number::Format;
use base qw(Template::Plugin::Number::Format);
use Number::Format;
sub init {
my ($self, $config) = @_;
my $nfo = Number::Format->new(%$config);
$self->{ _CONTEXT }->define_filter(format_price => sub {
my ($context, @args) = @_;
return sub {
my $text = shift;
my $result = $nfo->format_price($text, @args);
$result =~ s/\.00$//;
return $result;
}, 1);
return $self;
Then inside your templates you would use your plugin like so:
[% USE My.Number.Format %]
[% some_number | format_price %]