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Enable PCNTL in Ubuntu PHP - test fails

I need help on How to: Enable PCNTL in Ubuntu PHP.

$ mkdir /tmp/phpsource
$ cd /tmp/phpsource

$ wget
$ tar xvf php-5.3.2.tar.gz
$ cd php-5.3.2/ext/pcntl

$ phpize   -bash: phpize: command not found

Everything went fine until I tried to run phpize! And then I get the error '-bash: phpize: command not found' ?? Any ideas?


$ sudo apt-get update

and then ran:

$ sudo apt-get install php5-dev

With the help of Nick I managed to finish the procedure. But 'make test' fails???

$ phpize
$ ./configure
$ make

$ cp modules/ /usr/lib/php5/20090626/
$ echo "" > /etc/php5/conf.d/pcntl.ini

$ make test - FAILED!

HELP: I typed 'echo " > /etc/php5/conf.d/pcntl.ini' instead of 'echo "" > /etc/php5/conf.d/pcntl.ini' the first time I ran this. Is that BAD?

--------------------------------- Make TEst Error Messages --------------------------------------

PHP Deprecated: Comments starting with '#' are deprecated in /tmp/phpsource/php-5.3.2/ext/pcntl/tmp-php.ini on line 1850 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Deprecated: Comments starting with '#' are deprecated in /tmp/phpsource/php-5.3.2/ext/pcntl/tmp-php.ini on line 1852 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Deprecated: Comments starting with '#' are deprecated in /tmp/phpsource/php-5.3.2/ext/pcntl/tmp-php.ini on line 1850 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Deprecated: Comments starting with '#' are deprecated in /tmp/phpsource/php-5.3.2/ext/pcntl/tmp-php.ini on line 1852 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning: Module 'pcntl' already loaded in Unknown on line 0

Warning: Module 'pcntl' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
PHP Deprecated: Comments starting with '#' are deprecated in /tmp/phpsource/php-5.3.2/ext/pcntl/tmp-php.ini on line 1850 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Deprecated: Comments starting with '#' are deprecated in /tmp/phpsource/php-5.3.2/ext/pcntl/tmp-php.ini on line 1852 in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning: Module 'pcntl' already loaded in Unknown on line 0

Warning: Module 'pcntl' already loaded in Unknown on line 0

PHP : /usr/bin/php
PHP_SAPI : cli
PHP_VERSION : 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.18
PHP_OS : Linux - Linux 2.6.32-042stab068.8 #1 SMP Fri Dec 7 17:06:14 MSK 2012 x86_64
INI actual : /tmp/phpsource/php-5.3.2/ext/pcntl/tmp-php.ini
More .INIs :
CWD : /tmp/phpsource/php-5.3.2/ext/pcntl
Extra dirs :
VALGRIND : Not used
TIME START 2013-01-02 23:05:56
FAIL Test pcntl wait functionality [tests/001.phpt]
FAIL pcntl: pcntl_sigprocmask(), pcntl_sigwaitinfo(), pcntl_sigtimedwait() [tests/002.phpt]
FAIL pcntl: SIG_BLOCK, SIG_UNBLOCK, SIG_SETMASK [tests/003.phpt]
FAIL Bug #47566 (return value of pcntl_wexitstatus()) [tests/bug47566.phpt]
FAIL pcntl_alarm() [tests/pcntl_alarm.phpt]
FAIL pcntl_exec() [tests/pcntl_exec.phpt]
FAIL pcntl_exec() 2 [tests/pcntl_exec_2.phpt]
FAIL pcntl_exec() 3 [tests/pcntl_exec_3.phpt]
FAIL Test function pcntl_fork() by calling it with its expected arguments [tests/pcntl_fork_basic.phpt]
FAIL Test function pcntl_fork() by testing the process isolation in the forking hierarchy father -> son -> grandson where father can not knows his grandson [tests/pcntl_fork_variation.phpt]
FAIL pcntl_signal() [tests/pcntl_signal.phpt]
FAIL pcnt_signal_dispatch() [tests/pcntl_signal_dispatch.phpt]
FAIL pcntl_wait() [tests/pcntl_wait.phpt]
FAIL Closures as a signal handler [tests/signal_closure_handler.phpt]
TIME END 2013-01-02 23:05:59

Exts skipped : 0
Exts tested : 44

Number of tests : 14 14
Tests skipped : 0 ( 0.0%) --------
Tests warned : 0 ( 0.0%) ( 0.0%)
Tests failed : 14 (100.0%) (100.0%)
Expected fail : 0 ( 0.0%) ( 0.0%)
Tests passed : 0 ( 0.0%) ( 0.0%)
Time taken : 3 seconds

Test pcntl wait functionality [tests/001.phpt]
pcntl: pcntl_sigprocmask(), pcntl_sigwaitinfo(), pcntl_sigtimedwait() [tests/002.phpt]
pcntl: SIG_BLOCK, SIG_UNBLOCK, SIG_SETMASK [tests/003.phpt]
Bug #47566 (return value of pcntl_wexitstatus()) [tests/bug47566.phpt]
pcntl_alarm() [tests/pcntl_alarm.phpt]
pcntl_exec() [tests/pcntl_exec.phpt]
pcntl_exec() 2 [tests/pcntl_exec_2.phpt]
pcntl_exec() 3 [tests/pcntl_exec_3.phpt]
Test function pcntl_fork() by calling it with its expected arguments [tests/pcntl_fork_basic.phpt]
Test function pcntl_fork() by testing the process isolation in the forking hierarchy father -> son -> grandson where father can not knows his grandson [tests/pcntl_fork_variation.phpt]
pcntl_signal() [tests/pcntl_signal.phpt]
pcnt_signal_dispatch() [tests/pcntl_signal_dispatch.phpt]
pcntl_wait() [tests/pcntl_wait.phpt]
Closures as a signal handler [tests/signal_closure_handler.phpt]

ANY ideas!?! Carl


  • Here's what I've found in Ubuntu 12.04:

    • Check your PHP.ini for the pnctl functions being disabled.

      disable_functions =     pcntl_alarm,pcntl_fork,pcntl_waitpid,pcntl_wait,pcntl_wifexited,pcntl_wifstopped,pcntl_wifsignaled,pcntl_wexitstatus,pcntl_wtermsig,pcntl_wstopsig,pcntl_signal,pcntl_signal_dispatch,pcntl_get_last_error,pcntl_strerror,pcntl_sigprocmask,pcntl_sigwaitinfo,pcntl_sigtimedwait,pcntl_exec,pcntl_getpriority,pcntl_setpriority
    • phpinfo reports the function is already loaded but it will not actually work without putting the pcntl.ini file into /etc/php5/conf.d.

    Sadly, this causes 'module already loaded' errors every time PHP session cleanup cron in /etc/cron.d kicks off, but PCNTL won't function without both of these pieces in place, and so far I haven't found a good solution to disable the 'already loaded' error. Its messy, and ugly, and spams my root mail, and when I can find a solution, I will post it. I've only run into this problem in 12.04 so far.


    I hacked my /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime script file to stop spamming with pnctl errors (PHP Warning: Module 'pcntl' already loaded in Unknown on line 0). Here are my edits - I specifically added in the 'E_DEPRECATED' line to quiet the messages.

    Line 8:

        cur=$(php5 -c /etc/php5/${sapi}/php.ini -d "error_reporting='E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED'" -r 'print ini_get("session.gc_maxlifetime");' 2> /dev/null)