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VBA hash string

How do I get a short hash of a long string using Excel VBA?

What's given

  • Input string is not longer than 80 characters
  • Valid input characters are: [0..9] [A_Z] . _ /
  • Valid output characters are [0..9] [A_Z] [a_z] (lower and upper case can be used)
  • The output hash shouldn't be longer than ~12 characters (shorter is even better)
  • No need to be unique at all since this will result in a hash that's too long

What I have done so far

I thought this SO answer is a good start since it generates a 4-digit Hex-Code (CRC16).

But 4 digits were too few. In my test with 400 strings, 20% got a duplicate somewhere else.
The chance to generate a collision is too high.

Sub tester()
    For i = 2 To 433
        Cells(i, 2) = CRC16(Cells(i, 1))
    Next i
End Sub

Function CRC16(txt As String)
Dim x As Long
Dim mask, i, j, nC, Crc As Integer
Dim c As String

Crc = &HFFFF

For nC = 1 To Len(txt)
    j = Val("&H" + Mid(txt, nC, 2))
    Crc = Crc Xor j
    For j = 1 To 8
        mask = 0
        If Crc / 2 <> Int(Crc / 2) Then mask = &HA001
        Crc = Int(Crc / 2) And &H7FFF: Crc = Crc Xor mask
    Next j
Next nC

CRC16 = Hex$(Crc)
End Function

How to reproduce

You can copy these 400 test strings from pastebin.
Paste them to column A in a new Excel workbook and execute the code above.

Q: How do I get a string hash which is short enough (12 chars) and long enough to get a small percentage of duplicates.


  • Split your string into three shorter strings (if not divisible by three, the last one will be longer than the other two). Run your "short" algorithm on each, and concatenate the results.

    I could write the code but based on the quality of the question I think you can take it from here!

    EDIT: It turns out that that advice is not enough. There is a serious flaw in your original CRC16 code - namely the line that says:

    j = Val("&H" + Mid(txt, nC, 2))

    This only handles text that can be interpreted as hex values: lowercase and uppercase letters are the same, and anything after F in the alphabet is ignored (as far as I can tell). That anything good comes out at all is a miracle. If you replace the line with

    j = asc(mid(txt, nC, 1))

    Things work better - every ASCII code at least starts out life as its own value.

    Combining this change with the proposal I made earlier, you get the following code:

    Function hash12(s As String)
    ' create a 12 character hash from string s
    Dim l As Integer, l3 As Integer
    Dim s1 As String, s2 As String, s3 As String
    l = Len(s)
    l3 = Int(l / 3)
    s1 = Mid(s, 1, l3)      ' first part
    s2 = Mid(s, l3 + 1, l3) ' middle part
    s3 = Mid(s, 2 * l3 + 1) ' the rest of the string...
    hash12 = hash4(s1) + hash4(s2) + hash4(s3)
    End Function
    Function hash4(txt)
    ' copied from the example
    Dim x As Long
    Dim mask, i, j, nC, crc As Integer
    Dim c As String
    crc = &HFFFF
    For nC = 1 To Len(txt)
        j = Asc(Mid(txt, nC)) ' <<<<<<< new line of code - makes all the difference
        ' instead of j = Val("&H" + Mid(txt, nC, 2))
        crc = crc Xor j
        For j = 1 To 8
            mask = 0
            If crc / 2 <> Int(crc / 2) Then mask = &HA001
            crc = Int(crc / 2) And &H7FFF: crc = crc Xor mask
        Next j
    Next nC
    c = Hex$(crc)
    ' <<<<< new section: make sure returned string is always 4 characters long >>>>>
    ' pad to always have length 4:
    While Len(c) < 4
      c = "0" & c
    hash4 = c
    End Function

    You can place this code in your spreadsheet as =hash12("A2") etc. For fun, you can also use the "new, improved" hash4 algorithm, and see how they compare. I created a pivot table to count collisions - there were none for the hash12 algorithm, and only 3 for the hash4. I'm sure you can figure out how to create hash8, ... from this. The "no need to be unique" from your question suggests that maybe the "improved" hash4 is all you need.

    In principle, a four character hex should have 64k unique values - so the chance of two random strings having the same hash would be 1 in 64k. When you have 400 strings, there are 400 x 399 / 2 "possible collision pairs" ~ 80k opportunities (assuming you had highly random strings). Observing three collisions in the sample dataset is therefore not an unreasonable score. As your number of strings N goes up, the probability of collisions goes as the square of N. With the extra 32 bits of information in the hash12, you expect to see collisions when N > 20 M or so (handwaving, in-my-head-math).

    You can make the hash12 code a little bit more compact, obviously - and it should be easy to see how to extend it to any length.

    Oh - and one last thing. If you have RC addressing enabled, using =CRC16("string") as a spreadsheet formula gives a hard-to-track #REF error... which is why I renamed it hash4