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What sort of RSpec test should I write for a Model?

I am totally new to Rails and testing and I wrote this model:

class KeyPerformanceInd < ActiveRecord::Base
  #attr_accessible :name, :organization_id, :target

  include ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection

  belongs_to :organization
  has_many  :key_performance_intervals, :foreign_key => 'kpi_id'

  validates :name, presence: true
  validates :target, presence: true
  validates :organization_id, presence: true


My question is for a model like that, what are some RSpec tests that I should write? Somethings like this? Or there are moe things to do? I hear about FactoryGirl, Is that something I need for testing this model or that is for testing stuff in the controller?

Describe KeyPerformanceInd do
  it {should belong_to(:key_performance_interval)}


  • In this case, you don't need to do more, and you can also use the shoulda-matchers gem to make your code really clean :

    it { should belong_to(:organization) }
    it { should have_many(:key_performance_intervals) }
    it { should validate_presence_of(:name) }
    it { should validate_presence_of(:target) }
    it { should validate_presence_of(:organization_id) }

    And this is it.

    You don't need FactoryGirl in this case, which is used to create valid and re-usable objects. But you could use factories in your model test. A simple example :

    Your factory :

    FactoryGirl.define do
      factory :user do
        first_name "John"
        last_name  "Doe"

    Your test :

    it "should be valid with valid attributes" do  
      user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
      user.should be_valid

    Check the Factory Girl documentation to have more informations.