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Voronoi diagrams based on non metric distances in R

I want to voronoi diagrams in R. I have a set of points in N-dimensions(say 10). I dont want to use multi dimensional scaling(MDS). I want voronoi diagrams to be plotted using non metric measures. Is there any package which has this implementation? If not, then can you suggest me a suitable way to plot the tessellations using these N-dimensional co-ordinates.


  • It is not clear whether your problem is the dimension reduction or plotting the tessellation: the problems are separate. As suggested in the comments, you can use


    to find where the functions you need are.

    # Sample data: a distance matrix
    d <- dist( matrix( rnorm(200), nc=10 ) )
    # Dimension reduction, via non-metric multidimensional scaling
    r <- sammon( d )
    # Plot the Voronoi tessellation
    x <- r$points
    plot( voronoi.mosaic(x[,1], x[,2]) )
    points(x, pch=13)

    Besides principal component analysis (prcomp) and multidimensional scaling (MASS::isoMDS, MASS:sammon), you can also look at isomap (vegan::isomap), local linear embedding (lle::lle), maximum variance unfolding or T-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (tsne::tsne): since some of those (Isomap, LLE, MVU) are based on the "neighbourhood graph", which is not unlike the 2-dimensional tessellation you seek, they may be more meaningful for your problem.