I am working on a function that takes in a signal and adds it into a vector.
Once enough signals have been added, in my case 4, then I loop through the vector and add it to an integer variable in my process.
I am having trouble converting the individual elements into integers.
I tried using to_integer(unsigned(myVector)), but this was a binary to decimal conversion.
I just want it so that when i loop through my vector like this:
for i in 0 to myVector'length loop
Sum := Sum + to_integer(myVector(i));
end loop;
that a bit value of 1 or 0 gets converted to a 1 or 0 that I can use to add to my sum.
Any ideas?
PS - myVector is a signal, Sum is an integer variable in my process. If there is no simple way, how else can I do this?
Assuming you want to count the ones in a numeric_std_unsigned, the problem is simply that to_integer needs to work on a vector (an unsigned) while myVector(i) is a bit (std_logic)
The following creates a 1-bit unsigned which to_integer should be happy with.
for i in 0 to myVector'length loop
Sum := Sum + to_integer(myVector(i downto i ));
end loop;
Alternatively, if the synthesis tool doesn't like dynamically slicing myVector in a loop,
for i in 0 to myVector'length loop
if myVector(i) = '1' then
Sum := Sum + 1;
end if;
end loop;
will do.
Also note that the loop bounds probably have a range error... 0 to length is probably 1 iteration more than you have elements - ASSUMING the elements actually started at 0, which is quite an assumption.
for i in myVector'low to myVector'high loop
is preferred...