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How to redirect to a new VF page with command link and outputlink?

I have a list of Assets

Name:  column 2:  etc

A1      C1        b1
A2      c2        b2

When I click on A1, I call action="{! assetClicked}" within to do some logic, but I cannot redirect it to another Visual Force Page If I use I can link to another VF page, but cannot do action="{! assetClicked}"

Is there a way to combine them together or some other way around?

Page Code:

<apex:form >
  <apex:commandLink action="{! assetClicked}" value="{!}" id="theCommandLink"> 
    <apex:param value="{!}" name="id" assignTo="{!selectedAsset}" ></apex:param>
    <apex:outputLink value="/{!}" id="eventlink">{!}</apex:outputLink>


  • You didn't indicate how to retrieve the parameter in the desintation Visualforce page controller. I found this in a different forum:

    // Assuming the parameter is 'id' after redirecting to page2 you can retrieve the paramter thus
    public customcontrollerpage2() {
        String ID = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');