i have an understanding-problem using Microsoft XML Core Services 6.0 (MSXML) with XPath-expressions. I´ve broken down the problem to the most simple case. So let´s take the following XML-File:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<element name="E1A1">
<subEle value="1a"/>
<subEle value="1b"/>
<subEle value="1c"/>
<element name="E2A1">
<subEle value="2a"/>
<subEle value="2b"/>
<subEle value="3b"/>
<element name="E3A1">
<subEle value="3a"/>
<subEle value="3b"/>
<subEle value="3c"/>
I want to get the "value
"-attribues per "element". I will use pseudo-code to describe
my problem and i will focus on the important things, so i will not write how i initialize
the Msxml2.DOMDocument variable etc. .
First, i get all "element
"-nodes that have a name
oNodeList = oDom.selectNodes("//element[@name]")
The result of the selectNodes-statement is a nodelist, where i access the items node by node
in a for-loop. In this loop, i execute another selectNodes-statement, that gives me (at least i thought so)
the "subEle
"s for each "element
for i from 1 to oNodeList.length
oNodeMain = oNodeList.nextNode()
oNodeResList = oNodeMain.selectNodes("//subEle")
msgInfo("n items", oNodeResList.length)
And here comes the problem: the selectNodes-statement in the loops seems to have ALL "subEle"s
in scope; the messagebox pops up three times, telling me the length of the nodelist is 9.
I would have expected that it pops up 3 times, telling me each time that the nodelist has a length of 3 (because
every "element
" has exactly 3 "subEle
"s), since i´m doing the selectNodes-statement on "oNodeMain
which gets the nextNode in each loop. Maybe i just need to modify XPath-expression in the loop and
don´t use the "//
", because it works then, but i have no idea why.
The program i use for this is Paradox 11 and i use MSXML by OLE. Is this behaviour "normal", where is my misunderstanding? Any suggestions on how to achieve what i´m trying are welcome.
Don't use an absolute path starting with /
, instead use a relative path i.e. oNodeMain.selectNodes("subEle")
selects all subEle
child elements of oNodeMain
and oNodeMain.selectNodes(".//subEle")
selects all descendant subEle
elements of oNodeMain
Your path starting with //
searches from the root node (also called document node).