When consuming messages using the plugin, you can access the raw Message and its headers/properties.
When sending messages using the rabbitSend method, it appears from the documentation (http://grails-plugins.github.com/grails-rabbitmq/docs/manual/ref/All%20Classes/rabbitSend.html) that you can only set the exchange name, routing key and message body.
How can these headers/properties be set when sending a message using the rabbitSend method?
At present, it looks like you need to use the underlying rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend() method. The link to the RabbitTemplate Javadoc in the plugin's documentation is broken at the moment, it should point to http://static.springsource.org/spring-amqp/api/org/springframework/amqp/rabbit/core/RabbitTemplate.html
I found an example of setting the message properties using the rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend() method on the Grails JIRA http://jira.grails.org/browse/GPRABBITMQ-7
rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend "amq.direct", "work", payload, ({ Message msg ->
msg.messageProperties.replyTo = new Address("work.reply")
return msg
} as MessagePostProcessor)