I just touch celery and java for 2 days. :(
Right now, I have a task that java client send task through rabbitmq. Celery will be the worker to handle task.
I know it's easy for Python->rabbitmq->celery. But can I do this by java->rabbitmq->celery ?
The draft idea is that serialization the java function by JSON and then send by rabbitmq, and then handle by celery.
It's better to have example code and could be run directly
You can certainly send messages through RabbitMQ from Java. There is a Java client-side library for interfacing with RabbitMQ - http://www.rabbitmq.com/api-guide.html
This page describes the Celery message format - http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/internals/protocol.html. One flavour uses JSON, and there are lots of existing Java libraries for reading and writing in JSON; see http://json.org
It's better to have example code and could be run directly
You are correct.
The page linked above includes code snippets, and the RabbitMQ Java library has some (small) examples. (At least, that's what the page says.)