<SharepointContentType id="SharePointContentType">
<name id="Test1"
<name id="Test2"
For the above schema i want to descend as, find a node where id is SharePointContentType
than find tag <name >
where id is Test1
(user defined) and than fetch the value for the the element SharepointGroup
e.g if user input is Test1
than out put should be Test1SPGp
Kindly help i was trying to use linq and managed to code as below but could not succeed.
XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(GetDefaultXMLFile());
var feeds = from feed in xDoc.Descendants("name")
where feed.Attribute("id").Equals("admin")
select new
fxfv = feed.Attribute("SharepointGroup").Value
I think you have a mistake in where condition, see below:
feed.Attribute("id") returns XAttribute class so you can't use equals to compare to a string, but after Value property you can.
var feeds = from feed in xDoc.Descendants("name")
where feed.Attribute("id").Value.Equals("Test1")
select new
fxfv = feed.Attribute("SharepointGroup").Value