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Simple Rails 3.2 app + RefineryCMS + devise

I had a simple Rails 3.2 app and later added RefineryCMS by following the official guide ( Now I want to add devise to the Rails app to restrict public content based in the logged in user.

I know that there is an official RefineryCMS guide about adding RefineryCMS to existing Rails app + devise (, but my scenario is different as in my case now devise is to be added. Any specific steps that I need to keep in mind. It would be good if someone can point me to a tutorial. Thanks.


  • I followed the procedure in the guide

    There were errors

    • undifined method 'new_refinery_user_registeration_path' and on refresh
    • uninitialized constant Refinery::Role

    and for that I had to replace ::Refinery::Role to ::Role in user model and override refinery_user_required? and just installed? in lib/refinery/refinery_patch.rb

    def refinery_user_required?
    def just_installed?