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How to use Curiously Recurring Template Pattern for Bridge Pattern?

I have been researching the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern to determine how I could use it to implement a Bridge Design Pattern.

My problem is connecting, (wiring up), the IBridgeConnector::GetBridgeImpl method to the Bridge::GetBridgeImpl method since the overriding method is actually templated.

Since virtual dispatch won't work in this case, what is the best way to point these methods to each other? Function Delegates? Is there a better pattern for this?

How should this be done?

Thanks for the help!

Made the best code simplification I can without shared_ptrs everwhere and OpenGL and DirectX calls. :) Hopefully this will be useful to someone in the future!

#include <string>
class BridgePart
    BridgePart * OtherPart;

// Connects a BridgeSource and a BridgeImplementation
class BridgeConnector
    static BridgeConnector * implementor;

    // Need a way, (Function Delegates?) to point this method
    // This method will loop until stack overflow.
    template <typename ValueTemplateType>
    BridgePart * GetBridgeImpl(ValueTemplateType * source)
        return implementor->GetBridgeImpl<ValueTemplateType>(source);
BridgeConnector * BridgeConnector::implementor = nullptr;

// Where the Magic is At, (CRTP)
template <typename BridgeImplementationTemplateType>
class Bridge : public BridgeConnector
    template <typename ValueTemplateType>
    IBridgePart * GetBridgeImpl(IBridgePart * source)
        // NOTE:  This method never gets called.
        // CRTP Magic Here to Semi-Specify Pure Virtual Methods
        return static_cast<BridgeImplementationTemplateType>(this)
            ->GetBridgeImpl( (ValueTemplateType) source);

class BridgeImplementation1 : 
    public Bridge<BridgeImplementation1>,
    public BridgePart
    class CustomImpl : public BridgePart
        template <typename SourceTemplateType>
        BridgePart(SourceTemplateType source){}
            /* Does proprietary stuff. */

    template <typename ValueTemplateType>
    BridgePart * GetBridgeImpl(ValueTemplateType & source)
        return new CustomImpl<ValueTemplateType>(source);       
    // Constructor

class BridgeSource1 : public BridgePart {};
class BridgeSource2 : public BridgePart {};
class Client
    BridgeSource1 source1;
    BridgeSource2 source2;
    BridgeConnector * connector;
    bool usingImpl1;

        usingImpl1 = true; // from config file.
        connector = new BridgeConnector();
        connector->implementor = usingImpl1 
            ? (BridgeConnector *) new BridgeImplementation1()
            : nullptr; // (BridgeConnector *) new BridgeImplementation2();  
        // removed to shorten code.

    void Init()
        source1.OtherPart = connector->GetBridgeImpl<BridgeSource1>(& source1);
        source2.OtherPart = connector->GetBridgeImpl<BridgeSource2>(& source2); 


  • I think you have a bit of a misunderstanding of CRTP. It is not a plug in replacement for virtual dispatch. In your case, IBridge has no virtual dispatch, so calling IBridge->LoadDriver will always give you the default base class implementation, regardless of the underlying derived class. If you want a generic interface, you need some kind of virtual dispatch. CRTP is just a way of avoiding virtual dispatch in cases where it is not necessary, for example when a base class member function calls in to other virtual functions.

    If you want to avoid virtual dispatch completely in you case, you can not completely decouple the client from the Bridge, you would need to template Client on Bridge which doesn't really give you any advantage over just templating on Derived.

    Here's a shot at doing what you want. It assumed that you pass some generic pointer through IBridge, which Bridge uses CRTP to interpret and pass down to BridgeImpl. Obviously, you've abandoned all hope of type safety on the arguments at this point.

    class IBridge {
        virtual void LoadDriver(void *) = 0;
    template <typename Impl>
    class Bridge : public IBridge {
        void LoadDriver(void * v) override {
            static_cast<Impl*>(this)->LoadDriverImpl(*static_cast<Impl::arg_type *>(v));
    class BridgeImpl : public Bridge<BridgeImpl> {
        typedef std::string arg_type;
        void LoadDriverImpl(const std::string & s){ /*...*/ }