I'm working on a game where there are 4 characters on screen, each with several different states and corresponding MovieClips so that my library looks a little something like this:
Character 1:
Character 2:
Each animation (provided by a 3rd party) has a different anchor point, so when character A is at position 100, 100 on screen and moves from the idle to sleep animation he suddenly jumps 20 pixels to the right due to the anchor point.
Usually I would store all the different states in one MovieClip in separate frames and manually adjust the position of each one til they matched up, however I am also trying to port this to Android and therefore must keep the number of children on screen at once to a minimum.
Is there anything else I can do other than store offset x and y values for each character and each animation, and simple set the x/y via code whenever their state changes?
To keep the numChildren down I guess you have no choice
but to keep track of x- and y-offsets of the animations of each character
stored perhaps in an Object variable of form { state: registration_point }.
Then when changing states you can set the registration point
through this method by Emanuel Feronato:
An idea to try though is to simply place the registration point to the center of each animation state:
var reg_x:Number = mc.width / 2;
var reg_y:Number = mc.height / 2;